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Quartz on Matrix

DI 2-7, March 2003


Zederhaus, Lungau, Salzburg, Austria


This beautiful specimen was the second piece that was recovered after the matrix specimen DI 2-28 was removed. It shows a large quartz crystal that has grown dominantly on the matrix. The matrix is covered with small quartz crystals and light brown calcites. Originally the quartz crystal was double terminated but the lower part broke a long time ago. The break points fit together perfectly and are healed (photo). When put together, the crystal measures over 26 cm, making it the third largest crystal from this gap. Without this piece, the crystal still measures 19 cm. The crystal shows two chlorite-green colored surfaces partially covered with a second generation of quartz crystals and chlorite. The other four surfaces are coated with a snowy layer and also partially covered with a second generation of quartz crystals and calcites. This layer reaches to the edges of the prisms where it abruptly ends. Undamaged!

Size: 19.5 x 14.5 x 10 cm

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