2003, April, Quartz, Calcite
When recovering the beautiful milky quartzes (DI 2 described in the last report), I frequently had to take short breaks. Chiseling proved to be laborious, or a part of my body ached from lying for long stretches of time in uncomfortable positions. I used these breaks to have a snack or, of course, to make short exploratory surveys of the surrounding area. During one of these breaks I noticed an irregularity in the green schist. This spot was only two meters from the cleft where I was working. I could see no evidence of quartz or calcite. Nevertheless, I instinctively took my tools for prying and began to work away. After just a few strikes, my chisel fell into a cavity. I widened the small hole and soon could see that this was another cleft. The cleft was only 10 cm wide at the front, but widened towards the rear, and especially towards the bottom.
This unusual quartz crystal lay right at the very front of the cleft
In the very front area I was able to recover a 19 centimeter long double terminated quartz crystal. Close by I found two other quartz crystals. On the walls of the cleft and especially in its lower part, I could see that fine quartz crystals and calcite had grown, but which I was only able to chisel partially from the hard green schist.
Another freshly salvaged crystal
The cleft was 70 cm deep, 40 cm wide in the lower rear area, and up to 50 cm high. Although the two clefts were so close together, the crystals look different:
The surfaces of the quartzes from the new cleft also show a white coating, but in between there are areas colored green by chlorite. The tops are not clear, but show in a milky to light green color. They are smooth and shiny, some with an artichoke-like growth. The second largest crystal is a little thicker at the top and opens up in several layers like a bud. The innermost layer at the top is water-clear. The crystals are partially covered with a 2nd generation of small quartz crystals. These 2nd generations are a little finer and darker compared to the other cleft with the milky quartzes. The calcites from this cleft also look a little different: while the calcites of the milky quartzes have a light brown color, these calcites here are colored light green by chlorite or show a transparent white color. The calcites are also partially covered with a second generation of quartz crystals.
Collecting minerals should be over for the time being, because the planned work on building of our house begins in April. But after these great finds I was able to take a relaxed break.
Double terminated crystal with unusual growth, 18.8 x 6.5 x 5 cm
Quartz crystal with bud-like growth on top, 8.8 x 3.3 x 2.7
Quartz crystals and calcite on matrix from the lower cleft area, 12.2 x 6 x 3.6 cm
Larger matrix specimen from the lower cleft area, 15 x 11 x 10 cm
Particularly beautiful calcite specimen from the lower Cleft area, 11 x 8.2 x 5.8 cm